Be True! Be You! Create a deliberate path for your life’s journey, and take yourself off autopilot to THRIVE not just survive.


Do you find yourself in comparison to others and feel like you don’t measure up?

Are there pressures to perform at a level that seems out of reach?
Do you feel frustrated with the relationships in your life?
Are you feeling anxiety in a particular area of your life?
Do you have thoughts of “why me”?


Desire Factor Group Coaching

I thoroughly enjoyed my amazing coach Beth Myers, and the small group setting. She is a blessing to us all. Beth is so well trained in Christy and The Council’s coaching and education. How lucky for me to have ended up in her class. Beth has such a kind heart and great intuition, plus a fabulous voice for meditations . She always had the explanations and answers to our questions. And I was blessed with her guidance to get me through some very challenging insurance paperwork, that I have been struggling with for over 18 months. What a great relief to have it that part finished.

– Laura Lee Kenny

Beth is such a light; she is a compassionate and loving soul with a beautiful smile that is so infectiously great. I felt so at ease and connected. Our sessions were influential in that every new interaction brought a new understanding and growth. Always left a session on a high, which kept going higher with each new session. Her ability to take me through this process of the Desire Factor was fantastic. There were many huge and small wins that I was sharing because of the techniques, knowledge, and diligence Beth brought to the sessions.

– Nene Ekufu, Relationship & Mindset Coach

My success story with Beth as my coach was Amazing. Coach Beth has the ability to communicate clearly and concisely with a readiness to answer all your questions and with much patience to listen to them. Coach Beth delivered the Desire Factor principles to my learning experience that superceded my expectations. The growth I received has truly been a gift. I am thankful to the Universe for connecting me to my desire Factor which was to connect daily to my Divine, Appling those desire Factor principles in my life.

– Kathy Busby

Group Coaching/Mentoring

Beth mentors in such a beautiful and loving way. She helped me to stay focused on my vision of the sale and purchase of homes and moving to a new town in a very short period of time flowing with ease and grace. It could have been a time filled with stress and worry had I allowed myself to fall into lack and past experiences, but with the timing of this coaching experience, that’s not what happened. I still gratefully pinch myself with how amazing smooth this whole process flowed. I’m very grateful for Beth’s help, mentoring, and coaching and recommend her highly.

– Karen Shier

I have had the joy of getting to know Beth through the life coaching world. Throughout this time, her warmth, joy, zest for life and deep care for those around her has emanated from her. It is clear she loves what she does and wants for everyone she encounters to live their best life.

Most recently I worked with Beth one-on-one in a 8-week mentoring for coaches. The same qualities mentioned above were present along with a treasure trove of knowledge, skills and activities to support me in this configuration. Each session I felt heard, supported and guided to a more knowing place about myself and I also felt I was able to propel into a new space in my journey. This was powerful.

I am deeply grateful for this time with Beth and It has been a privilege to work with her. I highly recommend Beth as a life coach; you too will be glad you did this for yourself!

– Jody B.

Individual Life Coaching

I sought out Beth at a time in my life when I wasn’t in a crisis but rather looking to improve. I had just gone through a couple of major changes in my life and I wanted to gain tools to reframe my viewpoint and move forward with a more mature outlook. Beth provided me with a variety of methods I could use throughout my day and my years. My time with Beth was very worth my while, and I plan to return to her periodically to keep my goals in my line of sight.

– M.C.

Beth has the rare ability to instantly put your fears at ease. Sessions are extremely interactive and effective and was able to identify negative thinking patterns fed by anxiety and suggested ways to turn them around. These skills will serve me and my daughter well for a lifetime.