Be True! Be You! Create a deliberate path for your life’s journey, and take yourself off autopilot to THRIVE not just survive.


Do you find yourself in comparison to others and feel like you don’t measure up?

Are there pressures to perform at a level that seems out of reach?
Do you feel frustrated with the relationships in your life?
Is your child feeling anxiety with school or in relationships?
Do you have thoughts of “why me”?


Beth has the rare ability to instantly put your fears at ease. Sessions are extremely interactive and effective and was able to identify negative thinking patterns fed by anxiety and suggested ways to turn them around. These skills will serve me and my daughter well for a lifetime.

– Connie

I sought out Beth at a time in my life when I wasn’t in a crisis but rather looking to improve. I had just gone through a couple of major changes in my life and I wanted to gain tools to reframe my viewpoint and move forward with a more mature outlook. Beth provided me with a variety of methods I could use throughout my day and my years. My time with Beth was very worth my while, and I plan to return to her periodically to keep my goals in my line of sight.

– M.C.